
Why I Rewrote “Alfred Hitchcock”

Last Friday, right before my Kali retreat, I took a news break to plunge into writing these 30 poems for November, and starting my new novel. I had the company…


Poem #4 When I Was a Servant

When I was a servant In a house from which I could not escape, My jailer was another servant My identical twin, as it turned out Though I could always…



Poem #3 Alfred Hitchcock #metoo

What’s it all about, Alfred Hitchcock?Why did you ruin my love for you?But was it actually you that I loved? Or what you disseminatedOn the virgin celluloid? (Woody Allen, #youtoo.)…


Poem #2 Nov. 2

It’s only in the car that weSlow down enough to focusOn every tree that’s changingDriving fast enough to noticeThat the two of us are agingWinging towards our destinationThough it’s not…


Poem #1 For November 2019

I am not the one who works all the timeIgnores her kidsChecks her feedObsesses about the impeachment newsThe purple state polls I am not the one whose body bends at…


Acceptance, Courage and Climate Change

My eleven-year-old sat down at the table and watched as I placed a cheeseburger in front of him. Historically, this is his favorite meal, but last night, he looked up…


Announcing The Nields Spotify Playlists of the Month

As some of you may know, Katryna and I were a bit dismayed to find that our number one song on Spotify is not one of the greatest hits of…


A Celebration of 1979

Who knew that 1979 was the best year ever for music? To find out how I discovered this fact, you’ll need to hear a story first. At the tail end…


Nothing Gold Can Stay, Including Presidents with Fake Tans

These days, there is very little I can control. Naturally, I turn my attention to the few things I can, like my teeth. Since December, I have faithfully worn Invisalign…