Announcing The Nields Spotify Playlists of the Month

posted July 16, 2019

As some of you may know, Katryna and I were a bit dismayed to find that our number one song on Spotify is not one of the greatest hits of our career as a 28 year old folk-rock-and-roll band. It’s not “This Town Is Wrong,” or “Tyrants Always Fall,” or “Gotta Get Over Greta,” or “Best Black Dress, or “Your House Is Strong,” or “Love Love Love.” It is not the song people most request when we performer–which is “Easy People.” (“Easy People” is number 2.)

Nay. It is “Hi Ho the Rattlin’ Bog,” from our first family album All Together Singing in the Kitchen. What can we do about this? When a person who has just seen us in concert goes to find us on Spotify, they see…Hi Ho the Rattlin Bog first. How can we change this? Because of issues that seem well beyond our control and abilities, such as removing all our material and recategorizing things as “Family Music” and “Serious Folk-Rock-and-Roll,” we are taking this issue to the people. That’s YOU! To wit, we have launched a campaign called #MakeEasyPeopleNo1onSpotify. (Super catchy hashtag, right?)

Nerissa’s Pitch for you to take action!

We are asking our fans who have a Spotify account to play Easy People three times between now and our self-imposed deadline of 100 days–we started the campaign on Saturday July 13. On that date, we had 18015 listens to Easy People and 27,500 of Rattlin. All we wanted was for you to listen three times!

We’ll update this every week!

Behold! It’s working! In three days, we’ve gotten 2000 listens to Easy People!!!!! We’re at 19,998 listens as of this morning! AND when fans look us up on Spotify under The Nields, Easy People is already #1!

But we’re not going to stop the campaign until Easy People catches up to that ratly rattlin bog. So! Every month each of us will post a new playlist on a theme. These playlists will be lovingly curated and thoughtful and for YOU! The catch is that somewhere embedded in each playlist we’re going to sneak Easy People, sort of like Where’s Waldo? or the way you Cuisinart some green veggies into your kid’s pasta sauce. Our first playlist is A Celebration of 1979.

A Playlist of just Easy People

The Comments

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  1. I’m doing it as you’ve asked and it is an amazing song, but I wish it was the band version!

    • Paul! Are you from UK? In US, it’s the band version. A strange cross-Atlantic situation. But anyway, we DO want the band version to be the one you are listening to!

  2. I decided that I would learn “Easy People” and sing it at open stages and tell people to request it on Spotify to hear what it’s supposed to sound like. But, I don’t seem to have a _Play_ songbook, like my _Mousse_ and _If You Lived Here_ and I know I have at least one e-book, I think for _XVII_. Is there one for _Play_ and why don’t you make them all available on ebook. Any other half-way competent person can probably just figure it out for themselves, but clearly I’m not half-way competent, so please make a song book available or at least tell us the chords to play. Fortunately I heard you sing it a cappella a couple of times, when you were a duo, so I can try that, though not with two voices, I can only manage one (I know, there are tone singers from Tibet or Mongolia who can manage more than one voicing, but I can’t do that, either).

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