
Showing all 5 results

  • Fiction Writers Workshop

    Thursdays 12:30-2:30pm ET, Nerissa runs workshops tailored to fiction writers. Novelists, short-story writers, YA, Middle-Grade, Children's, flash, anything goes! Starts Sept. 26 and runs to Dec. 5, 2024.Add to cart
  • Morning Seeding & Tending


    Morning Seeding & Tending is your chance to free-write, continue a project, get your word count in, be a part of a literary community on your own terms. This is your time for writing, and we are honoring it. The Zoom room is open Monday-Friday 10am-11:05 am. $25 per month, or $20 if you become a regular subscriber. To do so, go here

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  • Dog seeming to read a dictionary.

    Prepare to Publish

    Prepare to Publish is a generative writing group with a little more focused critique than other Writing It Up in the Garden workshops. This group grew out of Nerissa's Weeding & Pruning manuscript group and is for experienced writers only. To apply, please send a published piece, and/or a writing sample and a letter of introduction to Unlock your publishing potential in our dynamic "Prepare to Publish" writing workshop. This generative group is designed for writers ready to take the next step toward seeing their work in print. Our supportive critique environment includes writing time, sharing of work by reading up to 500 words aloud, and receiving constructive feedback in a positive, collaborative setting. Beyond refining your writing, the group will brainstorm and explore potential publications, helping you identify the perfect platform for your piece. Join us to polish your work and discover where it belongs in the literary world! Sept. 24, 2024-Dec. 3 2024Add to cart
  • Weekly Writing Workshops

    • Regular, 10-week Courses
    • Generative writing as well as Revision
    • Autumn September-December
    • Northampton, MA (in person) and on Zoom
    • Please indicate in your payment which group you'd like to join.
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  • Weeding & Pruning

    Weeding & Pruning is a manuscript group composed of no more than five Writing It Up in the Garden writers led by the brilliant and kind Elaine Apthorp who has a built-in punctuation genius and an infectious joy for the written word.Add to cart