Autumn 2024
Every writer needs a dedicated time to write, knowing that their work is valued and will be listened to with full attention to its strengths. The one thing we know in these times is that there is and will be a lot to write about. The other is that we continue to need human connection. We continue to need each other.
Nerissa Nields holds writing workshops out of her studio in Northampton. Modeled on the Amherst Writers and Artists (AWA) method, and limited to five writers per group, these workshops are for first drafts, experiments, as well as works in progress. We put most of our focus on the generative process, pointing out to each writer what is working in their new piece rather than what’s missing. Because groups are kept small, everyone gets some personalized attention from the instructor. (For advanced groups and manuscript groups with a more critical component, see Prepare to Publish and Weeding & Pruning).
We’re looking forward to welcoming you to the amazing community Nerissa has nurtured since 2003. All kinds of writers are represented here––we are poets, novelists, songwriters, memoirists, journalers and bloggers. Join a group, find your muse and your peeps and write that piece you’ve always wanted to create.
Please indicate in your payment which group you’d like to join. If there isn’t room in your desired group, you will be asked if another group time might work, or issued a refund. All groups are on
Tuesday Weeding & Pruning: 12:30-2:30pm starting Sept. 24, 2024 (To apply, go here.)
Wednesday afternoons: 12:30-2:30pm starting Sept. 25, 2024 (all genres)
Wednesday evenings: 7-9pm starting Sept. 25, 2024 (Songwriting, Poetry, Prose)
Thursday Fiction: 12:30-2:30pm starting Sept 26, 2024 (Fiction or Fiction-adjacent, to sign up go here.)
Friday Weeding & Pruning: 12:30-2:30pm starting Sept. 27, 2024 (led by Elaine Apthorp, To apply, go here.)
For more information, email us here:
Little Blue Studio is once again open for workshops on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Meanwhile, we welcome those who are far away (or even for those who just want to stay home and write in their PJs) to join us on Zoom.
Some history: Nerissa created these groups in 2003 when, as a single woman, she bought a Big Yellow House that was a bit beyond reach.She knew she and the house were meant to be, and as she toured the first floor, she noticed that the energy of the front room was calling for writers. She had a vision of writers, laptops in laps, notebooks and pens, mugs of tea. The next day, she signed the Purchase and Sale. Eight weeks later, the first Wednesday group met. The groups have been meeting ever since, and the writers who frequent them have grown into a kind of extended family. All roads, the writers say, lead to Big Yellow. Also: “That thing you are writing is really good.”
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