Morning Seeding & Tending is your chance to free-write, continue a project, get your word count in, be a part of a literary community on your own terms. This is your time for writing, and we are honoring it.
The Zoom room is open Monday-Friday 10am-11:00 am.We begin with a short greeting and prompt (quotation/poem fragment which will be emailed daily to all subscribers), then set intentions in the chat. Nerissa will set the timer, and we write with our microphones muted. If you arrive late, no problem––Nerissa emails the daily prompt to all subscribers.
When the timer goes off at 11, we’ll say a quick goodbye. You can choose to leave Zoom early. Or you can keep writing long after the group officially ends.
What will you do with your daily hour of writing? You can mull over your plot and characters. Outline. Write a query letter, or submit for a fellowship. You can zip out 1000 words. Or write a series of Social Media posts, or blog. Or make a video. Or write a song. It’s up to you.
The cost is $25 a month, or $20 if you become a regular subscriber.
Which is cheaper than a weekly latte.
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