Why a Pro-Life Christian Is for President Obama
When people ask me why I am voting for Barack Obama in this election, I say, “Because I am a Christian and I vote my values.” I am pro-life, and…
Last weekend, Tom and I took our first ever 2 day weekend away from our kids. We’ve gone on overnights before, but two nights away? It seemed impossible. Thanks to our most trusted friends and relations, a dream became a reality.
Where to go? The Adirondacks, of course. What to do? Hike for 9 hours, ascending a +4700 foot peak, naturally. What, do you think we’d just sit on our butts reading old copies of the New Yorker? Well, actually, that’s exactly what I wanted to do. But Tom has 46r fever, and I am a loving and supportive spouse, so we got up at 7am, made a quick breakfast, packed a gigantic lunch, filled our water bottles and packs and headed off to the Adirondack Loj.
But before we left Northampton, I dropped off my four-year-old at his pre-school and slipped into Yoga Sanctuary for some pre-vacation vacation. Sara, my teacher, preached on my favorite line of the Bhagavad Gita: Better to do your own dharma poorly than another’s brilliantly. It was this line, ironically, that led me to abandon my own yoga teacher training two years ago. I had been thinking that becoming a yoga teacher would somehow mold me into the all-knowing, and incidentally gorgeous, guru/life coach I was to morph into now that my music career was in its sunset years. As we worked on opening our shoulders, I pondered this. Instead of feeling sunsetty, I was feeling pretty excited about my music career these days. Over the years, our mission has always been “write and perform songs that kids will one day sing on the back of the schoolbus at the tops of their lungs.” We’re actually right on track for that. Sure, we once hoped to be the next Beatles, but that ambition faded early on. Fame at that level makes it very difficult to raise a family, deeply know oneself without too many outside opinions, or have a peaceful dinner at one’s favorite restaurant.
On the trail to Mt. Colden, there is a 2.2 mile walk in to Marcy Dam. There is a certain pine forest that we both remember well, somewhere on this walk in, but we are too focused on our feet and miss it. It’s weird to be on this trail, a trail I have hiked so many times for so many years. Today there are scores of hikers; in fact, we almost didn’t get a parking place when we arrived at 8:30am. The trail is also the one for Mount Marcy, New York’s State’s highest peak, and on this Saturday of Labor Day weekend, everyone seems bound and determined to bag the biggest peak. As we march along, we pass and are passed by hiker after hiker, some with walking sticks, some with oxygen tanks. “Marcy is a highway,” said one of my mountain climbing gurus back in the 90s when I was doing the 46r thing. The implication was, real hikers go for the less flashy peaks. Why focus only on Number One?
Marcy Dam used to be a lake: here’s Tom and our dog Cody in 2005:
But Hurricane Irene destroyed the dam, and now it’s more like a swamp.(Mt. Colden is in the background).
Tom and I talk about the article in the New York Times by Firmin DeBrabender a few weeks back; in it he write about the myth of individualism, much discussed in this presidential election. I am thinking about the many many reasons that right now I am motivated to climb this peak, why I made the choice to exert myself this way instead of resting. There’s no right or wrong; it’s just curious. Am I climbing instead of resting because I want to be with Tom? Yes. Am I climbing instead of resting because I am driven? Yes. Not to become a 46r (I became one of those in 1993, in a kind of lemming-esque way; my whole family and group of friends were doing it, so I tagged along). Am I like Hillary, climbing “because it’s there”? Definitely. And I like hiking. I love the expanse of time, part of it in silence and part in conversation with the one I love best. It’s time with God. My mind needs days like this, where I am so focused on a task that it can’t wander too much–especially on the steep or tricky parts. As we ascend through the woods, over rocks and soft pine, I feel myself relax, even as I exert. I feel my legs strengthen, my lungs work. I breathe in the smell of balsam, that seminal scent from my childhood, my own madeleine.
What is my dharma? Is it to make music in exactly the way I always have? Is it to encourage others to see the bonds music forges? Am I supposed to go to Divinity school? If so, why? Do people really have a dharma that is so specific, like “be a doctor” or “be a poet”? What if my dharma is just to be Nerissa?
My mission today was to be as present as I could be; to witness the journey, appreciate the birches (which have a relatively short life-span, Tom tells me, and they are my favorites.) I make a point of looking up every few minutes so that I don’t get caught in my thoughts. Still, I get pretty caught up in my thoughts.
We come to many false peaks and one stinky stagnant lake (Lake Arnold). We run into a couple of young friendly Cornell students who are happy to just recline at this lake. “Don’t you want to get to the top?” I say, bewildered. “We’re thinking about it,” they say.
At the summit, we sit and gaze at Algonquin and Iroguois, my favorite peaks. Then we pick up our lunches and move to the other side to stare at Marcy and her neighbors. A couple of very professional looking hikers come up behind us. “Is that Redfield over there?” I ask them, pointing.
“Yup, I’ll give you that,” says the man.
“And is that Grey?” I continue, pointing to a peak in the foreground.
“Sure is, at least I think it is,” he says. I continue asking this stranger who surely must know. Then his wife says, “Congratulate him! He is a 46r today!” So we do; and then I realize that he has no better sense of which peaks are which than I do. I wish my dad were with us.
On the way down, my legs are like spaghetti. We pass the Cornell kids who decided to summit the peak after all. We are descending on a dry very rocky creek bed, with rocks the size of basketballs and watermelons for footing. My ankles wobble, and I keep tripping. “God, please strengthen my ankles,” I pray. For good measure, I add, “Jesus, please strengthen my ankles,” just in case. Then my mind goes off on matters of the trinity, the deity of Jesus, are they really one, etc. And the next moment, I am in midair. My hands go out to catch my fall, and my left knee scrapes on a rock. “God!” I think furiously. “What gives?”
“Are you OK?” Tom calls back.
“Yes,” I say right away. But I stay where I am, even though there are a couple of older women behind us, and part of the reason I tripped was that I was hurrying to keep them from passing us, as we’d just passed them. I assessed. Scraped palms, a tiny bit of blood. Everything in working order. I got back to my feet and continued, gingerly down. “I just prayed for exactly this not to happen,” I thought grumpily. “So much for prayer.”
That’s not exactly the point, I heard. Do you think you get whatever you pray for? What else could this mean?
And it came right back: that I will fall, even when my entire will is behind the hope that I won’t. But that I will be OK. And even if I am not OK, I will not be alone. We are not guaranteed a life of ease, or to dodge every bullet when we chose a spiritual life, or to be the next Beatles, or even the next cranberries. But we are promised some company for the journey.
We staggered back to Marcy Dam a few hours later. This time I was determined to see what Tom was now calling “The pole forest,” because these pines are so straight up and down that they look like they will soon be harvested as telephone poles. We look and look. Everywhere there are deciduous trees, ancient ones, new ones, mixed with all sorts of evergreens. And then finally, about a half mile from the parking lot we come to it. It’s just a few hundred yards of forest, but the trees are uncannily uniform. And even with the occasional hiker passing us, it’s eerily still, with that trademark whistling the wind makes in tall pine trees. We both stop and let the hikers pass.
“This is my church,” whispers Tom.
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aw nerissa, what a great read.
“my music career was in its sunset years.”
nah, never, no, not even. “i would be forlorn” :^)
kj who too is just kj
Ah, Colden. I have hiked it but twice – once in ’83, once in ’98. Did you go along Avalanche Lake, with all the fun ladders and whatnot?
There is a delicate in morning wake-up, where things that resonate from days past revisit. This morning it was you and your climb. So, as one who has more years, older kids, and standing at the threshold of something new and most likely never Beatle-worthy,here goes.
We are all elbowing our way up Mt. Colden, the most traveled climb. Each in their own way, at their own pace and for their own reasons. The way you are going, from TRUE HEART is your way. So, nope, not a Beatle. Think of the down-side. The school bus bellows Yeah, Yeah, Yeah….mindlessly.
I am on my way to healthy organic market to extend life, and the two sweet sisters harmonize……”I know what kind of love this is”. I cry and remember. Dang, they nailed my story! Someone is in MY world, I am so comforted. How brave to put that out there. That is what you do, by going in to your soul, writing, arranging the song, and then birthing, bleeding for us! Compassionate.
So, loose your footing once in a while on the dirt highway. Catch your breath, acknowledge it in daily practice, for breath sustains life. Look at the blood (shed) to make you remember you are part of the biggest community of climbers. Praise your hands for catching you, and all the hands that will forever catch you. Praise your hands for your gift of playing music. Number the peaks, the best you know how, validation can come from just being in the conversation. You are perfect.
Thanks for the great show in Earlville…I wish there had been more people! Highlights included kids dancing…dinosaurs at the organic farm witha hatchling…hearing James live…and the duo singing “Sylvie” up on the balconies with no mics.
For the kid shows – if you want any advice- I think the second half worked much better then the first b/c you got them up and moving. I love endless days but it would have worked a bit better later, for example.
Anyways thanks for playing and bringing beauty and joy to our lives!