Joni Mitchell and Joan Baez
Nerissa and Katryna at Transperformance 09: LookStock. Photos by Andrea Raphael, my dear friend from high school. Joni’s dress c/o my mother-in-law, Mary Duffy. Joan’s dress c/o our mother, Gail…
August 26, 2009
By popular demand, this blog is now syndicated for your reading pleasure.
Use the “site feed” link to the right, or just use the straight URL:
This is via Atom, which is Blogger’s default. If people would like an RSS feed too, please leave a comment to that effect and I’ll see what I can figure out about that.
Happy reading!
Join the Conversation. Post with kindness.
Yeah!! Syndication!! Uh..what exactly is that? Now, I know you have the songwriting thing down but let’s see if you can explain the intricacies of blogging to those other newbies…
So I just discovered the world of archived radio interviews…I fear for my productivity. I discovered them as I checked out the various Nields public radio interviews. For those of you (other readers) who don’t know about this, it’s an amazing source for great music, stories behind great music and insights into great musicians.
The sitefeed version is less readable than the original on the Nields Web, due to the elimination of Nerissa’s judicial and instinctive use of paragraphs. IOW, the sitefeed copy looks like one big run-on sentence. Sort of like the Greek text of the New Testament, which one can only tell where one sentence ends and another begins, through context and detective work. So in summing up, I much prefer the unadulterated Nerissa original. Like Gandalf Murphy says, “That’s like saying the Bible is just another book.” š
Bruce — I believe this is because the sitefeed page is meant to be read in a newsreader-like utility, and not just as a web page on its own. Granted I’m not familiar with how that all works, but that’s my understanding, anyway.
Now, if you use one of these utilities and it’s still coming up as all one big blob, please let me know because something is definitely wrong!
You sure get points for responsiveness! And I thought you’d hate me for making you learn how to syndicate.
I’m reading your blog in bloglines (my aggregator) and can see the breaks between paragraphs fine.
I opened this comment to ask for RSS…
…but then I discovered that the NetNewsWire 2 betas read Atom…
…so I learned something new today. Sweet!