How Do You Solve a Problem?
Tom carrying our 3-week-old up to our church on Arnold’s birthday, May 2006 Site of the West Cummington Church which burned down on January 17 “The spiritual path wrecks the…
May 17, 2010
What does the fox say?
“I’m gonna get you!”
What does the rabbit say?
“No you won’t. I’m too fast.”
What does the tiger say?
“No matter how much I eat, I am always hungry.”
What does the lion say?
“It’s lonely at the top.”
What does the Queen say?”
“I’m so tired of taking care of everyone. When will someone take care of me?”
What does the King say?
“Mistakes were made.”
What does the deer say?
” .”
By Nerissa and Johnny Nields-Duffy
Nov. 2011