#NieldsXVII Story Contest : Week 5

posted March 6, 2015

The answers were short, but definitely sweet this week. We’re formulating some new ones for the coming weeks. As always thanks so much to everyone who took part. We’re already looking forward to Monday and next week’s stories.

Week 5 Question: What is the craziest thing 17-year-old you did?

At 17, having just gotten a driver’s license, my 16 year old brother and I loaded up the VW bus with provisions and drove across the border into Baja California, Mexico for a one-week surfing/camping adventure. 2 underage hippy MINORS out of the country before the age of cell phones and Homeland Security. What would you say if your kids told you that’s what they were doing?

Also, unrelated, I’m amazed at the depth and emotional leverage of the stories you have elicited here. I wasn’t, and don’t imagine you were, quite prepared for some of them*.


*Yes! We are also amazed by the stories that come in each week. It’s been a great way to connect with our fans. We read (and re-read) and appreciate every one!

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  1. thanks N. for the posting, sorry I can’t come to the Rockwood double-header, I will be on another surfing adventure in Puerto Rico, this time for the elderly. A long way off, but the wife and kids and I will see you down here again in December, Carter booked you with young Dar, plus the FRFF and other fun shows. Happy Spring!

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