Writing Process

Summer Writing Camp, The Fiery Furnace and Sugar Snaps

It’s Day Two of my Summer Writing Camp. The writers are just finishing their 3 pages of brain drain and are moving around the house, finding the perfect place to…

Writing Process

Lean In

I am reading Sheryl Sandberg’s excellent book Lean In. I understand that she makes some people mad. I am not one of those people, even though, at times as I…

Writing Process

Thoughts Post-FAWM

I am paying a debt of honor by finally reading Charles Dickens. And by “reading,” I really mean listening, since all I ever do anymore is listen to audiobooks. And…


Writing Process

I’m Pretty Sure That My iPhone Is Making Me Sick

I’m Pretty Sure That My iPhone is Making Me Sick I’m pretty sure that my iPhone is making me sickAnd still I can’ stop poking at the apps and the…


Writing Process

FAWM Halfway Check In

It’s more than halfway through February, and I have seven songs written. I need to do something today or risk being mad at myself. We’re in the Adirondacks for the…


Writing Process

FAWM #3: Welcome Song for Guitar Students

I told my guitar students yesterday that I would write them a new “Hello” song. Currently, we’ve been using “Good Morning, Sunshine,” which is the HooteNanny welcome song, written in…


Writing Process

FAWM Day #2 One down

I wrote my song! It took me all day, but it’s finished, or close to. It’s called “Dave Hayes the Weather Guy.” I know he’s Dave Hayes the Weather Nut,…


Writing Process

FAWM Day One-Excuses, Excuses

It’s February 1st, the beginning of February Album Writing Month, and I feel doomed because I have lost my journal. I am in the middle of my writing retreat, a…

Writing Process

New Year’s Pep Talk for Writers

It’s January 3–a month since I last posted. Too much time has gone by, and as the days moved along on the calendar, it seemed harder and harder to get…