Why We Are Building a New Kitchen
Note: Photo of the author and our kitchen by author’s four-year-old.
Flowers at the Smith Bulb Show
Red bud on the trees. Garlic coming up in our garden. Lila on a tricycle. The snow melted to just a few gray-black porous wedges along the sidewalk which we crunch giddily with our sneakers. Running into friends and having an impromptu play date. I love March.
Last night we played at Circle of Friends Coffeehouse in Franklin MA. I love love LOVE this gig! Thank you for letting us be performing musicians. Thank you thank you thank you!
Nerissa, Jake and Katryna loading in.
Members of the audience being good sports about it all.
Katryna knitting backstage.
Photo Lila took of Nerissa at the Bulb Show.