#NieldsXVII Story Contest : Week 2
We’re having too much fun with our 17-week Story Contest! It was again hard to pick our favorite, but our pick from Steve squeaked into the top spot. A special…
This week’s question was a little out there, and we weren’t disappointed with the responses. The winning answer was both fun and thoughtful. It made us think a little of that line of Shakespeare’s, about music being the food of love. Thanks to the winner and everyone who participated this week. We’ll see you again on Monday!
The Story:
(Quickly dons philospher/guru clothes)
I’m glad you asked me that. Setting aside the question of the mortality/immortality of the soul – for if it is the latter, how can you save something that cannot be lost – let’s look around. No, really. The treasures of life are all around, the scars that have elevated you and those that have endangered you. Not all these treasures are material goods; you have to imagine the others. Think about them, and listen to the sound of your thought. There’s music there, either the music made within your own soul or music given as a gift by others.
Music is the straw you clutch at, and the foundation you build your home on. It is for the times when the grave is full, the bed half-empty, or when gravity seems a foolish idea as your soul soars far into joy. Why do houses of worship ring with song? Why do we sing to babies? Music from without can save your soul when the music within fails you, but both are always there. The opposite of music is not silence, it is death. The soul has music like the body has blood or bone or sinew. It is essential.
I think that answers your question.