Parenting/The Full Catastrophe

The Big Idea

Writing Process

Hamilton, Ambition, Perfection

“What is to give light must endure burning.” -Viktor Frankl If, on the night of June 2nd, you heard a bloodcurdling scream coming from a neighborhood in Northampton, that would…



Parenting/The Full Catastrophe

Writing Process

Post-Iron Horse. Can I Sleep Now? Please?

After our big 25th anniversary shows at the Iron Horse last weekend, I was so tired I thought I would never recover. As I age, it seems performing takes more…

Parenting/The Full Catastrophe

The Story of a Bed, or The Conflicting Theologies of Recent Space Flicks

We often have Friday night stalemates called What To Watch On Movie Night. Having seen all the Harry Potters umpteen times, I’d been recommending the Star Wars movies, but the kids were…

Parenting/The Full Catastrophe


We wake up when the bombs come home

Every month or so, one of my children comes into our bedroom just before bedtime and collapses into my arms. “I am thinking about dying again,” the child says, and…

Parenting/The Full Catastrophe

Writing Process

Reading and Writing

The night before last, I came up from my writing group to kiss my daughter goodnight. She was wrapped up in her comforter, reading–as usual. The book she was reading…



Parenting/The Full Catastrophe


Writing Process

Who Needs the Bravermans?

I’ve been watching the now defunct TV show Parenthood recently. Skip this paragraph if you don’t want spoilers. I am up to Season 4, and just saw the episode where Victor…

Parenting/The Full Catastrophe

Do Not Mistake a Family Trip for a Vacation

In the middle of the night, both of us aware that the other was struggling to get back to sleep, I heard Tom mutter to me, “We’ll always have Paris.”…

Parenting/The Full Catastrophe

Writing Process

Waking up at 5am to Write

My daughter turned nine this week. Nine is the age of competency in my mind. “The nine-year-old is no longer a mere child,” quoth the fabled child psychiatrist Arnold Gesell….

Parenting/The Full Catastrophe


Love and Containers

My dog Stella went out hunting in our back yard last Friday. We watched her tear through the melting snow, disappearing out back behind the barn. We saw her reappear, crouch…